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Thank you to everyone who completed the first round of questions for our Just Transition in the North of Tyne Commonplace Consultation!

We are very grateful to those who took the time to share their views and opinions with us! Your participation is helping to shape how we plan for a fair and effective move to a low carbon ‘green’ economy in the region.

Overall, we received 43 responses which highlighted that the majority of people (60%) had not heard of the term “just transition” before completing the survey, however, the sentiment towards a just transition was positive, with respondents articulating interest in pursuing new ‘green’ careers and developing new skills.

It is essential that we gather the views of the people of the North of Tyne to ensure that a low carbon transition has our shared priorities and values at its heart.

Are you employed or looking for work in the North of Tyne region? Then we want to hear from you!

We are inviting anyone interested in shaping the low carbon transition in our region to complete a longer Worker Survey which will help us plan for a more sustainable shared local future for the North of Tyne on our collective net zero journey.

It takes about seven minutes to complete and is open to workers currently employed or seeking employment in any high-carbon or energy-intensive sector (such as construction, transport, agriculture, manufacturing, energy, industry and utilities).

Click here to complete for your chance to win a £50 Eldon Square gift card.

The survey closes 12 December 2022.

Do you manage or own a business in the North of Tyne area? We want to hear from businesses to find out what they need to go green, be more sustainable and reduce energy costs!

All businesses are likely to be impacted in some way by changes to a lower carbon economy in the years to come and are already impacted by the current energy crisis. A survey that addresses these issues is now open to business owners and managers of any size, in any sector, primarily based within the North of Tyne region. It takes about five minutes to complete.

Click here to have your say! The survey closes 12 December 2022.

If you would like to find out more about the Just Transition Project or get involved, please contact the Just Transition Project Coordinator at

Posted on 16th November 2022

by Fraser Serle